Central Cariboo Arts Centre

Our Tenants

Cariboo Art Society


The Cariboo Art Society, headquartered here in Williams Lake at the Central Cariboo Art Centre, is the oldest art society in Western Canada. We are an inclusive group welcoming all ages and levels of experience. We serve the community by meeting every Saturday from 10AM to noon.

Membership is $40 for the year, beginning in September.


Contact us for more information by email: davisarts@shaw.ca or rodierlynne@gmail.com or anniebananie_17@hotmail.com .

Cariboo Potters’ Guild

Potters' Guild

The Cariboo Potters’ Guild was founded in 1967 for the purpose of “stimulating creative work with clay, and furthering knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of the clay medium.”

Guild potters work in a variety of clay media – porcelain, earthenware and stonewear. Members use handbuilding techniques and the potter’s wheel to create functional tablewear, decorative pieces such as vases and planters, sculptures and murals. Firing techniques range from primitive sawdust firing and dramatic raku to the high temperature effects of the gas kiln and the precision of the electric kiln.

Members’ work can be purchased through the Station House Gallery and through studio sales held in spring and fall. The Guild also sponsor a booth at the Medieval Market held every November.

The Guild offers introductory classes in the early spring and fall. Instruction is given by guild members, and the course offers an excellent introduction to a variety of techniques in clay. As well, the Guild brings in professional potters from all over British Columbia for weekend workshops.

The Cariboo Potters Guild welcomes new members, whether beginners, established potters or those simply interested in the potter’s craft.

Membership includes access to their studio at the Central Cariboo Arts Centre, which includes use of electric wheels, and an electric and a gas kiln. Members receive a monthly newsletter and may participate in the bulk purchase of materials. Meetings are held every first Monday of every month and include a demonstration of some aspect of pottery.

For more information concerning pottery and membership please contact our membership lead at: wl.cariboopotters@gmail.com.


cariboopotters.ca  |  facebook

Community Arts Council of Williams Lake


Pictured: Marg Evans, President (behind) and Venta Rutkauskas, Administrative Assistant, in their basement office at the Central Cariboo Arts Centre.

The Community Arts Council of Williams Lake is an arts and culture “producing” organization that began in 1969. CACWL is a registered non-profit society with charitable status, and a growing membership of arts and culture groups. Member groups receive benefits like seed funding for approved arts and culture projects, assistance publicizing events, and access to arts and culture learning resources. The Community Arts Council routinely produces programming for a wide array of local and visiting artists and arts groups.

williamslakearts@gmail.com | www.williamslakecommunityartscouncil.com | facebook

Williams Lake Fibre Artists’ Guild


The original Williams Lake Spinners and Weavers Guild first gathered like minded spirits together in 1973.

The Guild has had several homes over the years, including Onward Ranch, the Station House, Columneetza School, The Cariboo Lodge, and Skyline School before becoming residents of the Central Cariboo Arts Centre. Recently, they changed their name to ‘Fibre Artists’ as they were doing so much more than just spinning and weaving. They also knit, crochet, felt, make baskets and do any fibre related art that takes their fancy. Besides doing the crafts themselves, they occasionally open their workshops to the general public, introducing them to their skills. The Guild has also done demonstrations at various venues where they have elicited great interest from people about things “granny used to do”. Our favourite day of the year is the annual Spin In, hosted in May, to which eager spinners from all over the province attend for a day of spinning, visiting, eating, sharing, and stocking up on supplies for the coming year. The Guild presently has about 34 members of all skill levels and abilities. They are very glad to welcome new people to their circle. They meet every Wednesday from about 10:00am to about 12:00pm, and also on Saturdays from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm.

For more information, phone Linda Purjue at 250-392-7265 or Barb Bowles at 250-267-1596, or email us at wlfibreartistsguild@gmail.com.  You are also welcome to drop in to any of our Wednesday or Saturday meeting times at the Arts Centre.

wlspinnersandweavers.wordpress.com  |   facebook